Covid & Immunity…Who knows & Who cares?

20+ years ago, I once asked my mentor, Dr.Wolfe, if he thought ignorance and apathy were the biggest problems of my generation. He said “I don’t know and I don’t care!” Flash forward…

During my morning workout routine this week, I was stopped by a friendly neighbor. This man is at least 20 years older and one would hope at least a little wiser.  He insisted there was going to be a cure soon for this Covid Virus. He also informed me that he thought he had it back in February and it wasn’t until he took amoxicillin a month later that he felt better. I gave him a fake smile, and went about my way thinking to myself, “How can people be this ignorant?”

You may be asking yourself, “What’s the problem, Main Migo?”  Well, to echo Allen Iverson’s legendary presser on practices, “We’re talking about viruses, man!” You still get colds, right?  The old “Coachella surprise” aka Herpes Simplex, may even surface sometimes when you least expect it. But why? Viruses aren’t curable grasshopper, that’s why. 

Onto amoxicillin, the rich and creamy pink sweet smoothie in a medicine bottle. That delicious little elixir is an antibiotic solution which is used against bacterial infections- not against viruses. And speaking of amoxicillin, that brings me to the over-prescription of antibiotics in general.  Next time your physician wants to give you an antibiotic, ask them to do a culture or if they are sure your infection is bacterial and not viral. Antibiotic resistant super bugs are something we should all fear, and with the over prescription of these antibiotics, we’re on a crash course with exactly that.  

To be fair, it’s not entirely just the over prescription that is leading to this problem.  There have also been very few new antibiotics developed, and there aren’t too many new ones in the pipeline.  Why not?  Because there’s no money in antibiotics along with a systemic failure of reason! In case you haven’t already figured it out, in most cases like this, it usually comes down to what makes the most financial sense. 

To give you an idea of just how messed up our situation is, I’d like to quote evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein: ”Imagine you had some highly courageous and capable patriots in charge and after calling in all reasonable people to come to a decision,  you realize there’s another part of our fragile system that’s become feeble and inept. You see a virologist that might circle the wagons in order TO PROTECT THEIR ACCESS to GRANT MONEY!  So, the very people that need to be telling you this could be very dangerous,  here’s what may have happened,  and here’s what we’ll do to figure out what the epidemiology will look like,  what the symptomatology will look like, those people MAY BE covering their butts at all our expense! Yes, we have to deal with Covid 19 but we also have to bootstrap our way out of a predicament where OUR WHOLE SYSTEM has been overrun by PERVERSE MARKETING INCENTIVES that are causing everybody to turn into a liar or a dupe.”

Let’s focus on what we know, Mush Migos, and what’s being left out of the entire conversation. With so many questions still unanswered, our best defense is to develop, support, and maintain a healthy & robust immune system. Emotion and fear are great control mechanisms, but instead of saying “Don’t go outside! or “You have to wear a mask!” why not offer ways to improve our immune system?  Whereas we can’t change our genetic makeup, we can most certainly make lifestyle changes that influence our immune health.

NUTRITION affects everything and is the cornerstone in terms of supporting our immune system. Eating a balanced and nutritional diet is the first step to wellness.  Sleep patterns, exercise, overall lifestyle choices, and genetics of course can influence immune functions as well, but it all starts with our food choices. 

Nobody is going to make the right choices for you. It’s up to you personally to make your own choices and become accountable for the choices you make. Personal responsibility and personal accountability. Realize your actions and choices result in consequences. Sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are bad. And sometimes things are just simply out of your control my migo.  

Unfortunately, you have to be YOUR OWN advocate in terms of health and wellness. It starts with an open mind and a willingness to seek knowledge. It also requires being an informed reader and engaging in stimulating discourse.

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